> How Developers Can Access Online Real Estate Lending

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How Developers Can Access Online Real Estate Lending

Real estate developers typically have several projects at the same time. As one project concludes, another project commences, starting from a simple idea put on paper, and ending with something tangible. As with anything, realizing a real estate vision requires financing. Without capital, all that is left is an idea. Online real estate lending can move that tedious process from over several weeks, to just a few days.

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Crowdfunding for Real Estate Developers

Sharestates can help developers fund real estate development projects. After completing the underwriting and approval process, Sharestates will pre-fund your project, and then post its details on the platform for investors to view. This way of acquiring capital for real estate developers has a faster turnaround time for developers than traditional banking. Crowdfunding real estate loans has become increasingly popular due to the efficiency, and quick access to funding for new development projects.

Online Real Estate Lending for Developers

Crowdfunding for real estate developers is a win-win-win situation for everyone involved. Check out the below video to learn more.

Looking for more information about real estate investing? Check out our comprehensive guide today.

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