> CDOM– Cumulative Days on Market

CDOM– Cumulative Days on Market

CDOM, cumulative days on market, is the total number of days between when a property is first listed on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and a successful sale. DOM, days on market, is the number of days a property has been active on the market.

With DOM, the days are counted from the date the listing becomes currently active on MLS. That is also described as “on market.” When an MLS listing is placed on “sale pending,” “hold,” or “off-market,” the days will stop counting. If the property is put back “on market,” the days will start counting again.

For CDOM, the count includes all listing activity on MLS. This includes all listing history, including previous listings from the same or different agents. For example, if agent #1 listed the home for 60 days followed by agent #2 relisting the property for 60 days, the CDOM would be 120 days. 

The CDOM counter resets after the property is off the market for a designated amount of time. MLS systems vary in their requirements. Some are anything over 30 days off the market; others are higher