> Space-optimizing Staging Tips for NYC Real Estate

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Space-optimizing Staging Tips for NYC Real Estate

With compact real estate on the rise, it’s important for investors to figure out how they can create that “open and airy” experience no matter how small a room might be. Staging a small apartment can be a challenge, but it is possible with careful planning.

NYC real estate staging techniques can help sellers to transform their properties on a budget by making the most of the space they do have. Whether it’s getting rid of any sign of clutter, or investing in multi-functional furniture pieces, here are a few tips to help with selling a small apartment.

1.     Get Rid of Any Clutter

Successfully staging a small apartment starts with getting rid of clutter. Excessive amounts of clutter can overpower the square footage in a room and make the property look smaller. Items on display that don’t contribute to the overall feel of a room need to be discarded to make way for more natural, open space.

2.     Choose the Right Colors

Most people already know that softer, light shades make a room feel bigger and brighter, while dark warm colors help a space to feel intimate and cozy. Light colors are reflective, which maximizes the effects of natural light in an area. For those who want to stay away from boring shades like white and brown, NYC real estate staging experts recommend sticking to monochromatic shades in the same family, with tone-on-tone upholstery fabrics and textured wall finishes.

3.     Incorporate the Right Flooring

There are plenty of different flooring styles that can help to define space when staging a small apartment. A good way to open a floor plan is to use the same type of flooring from one area to the next to create an uninterrupted flow of color. This can make rooms feel as though they’re part of one larger space. A round rug can also be a good choice for smaller spaces, as rectangular shapes can make areas appear more cluttered.

4.     Use Multi functional Furniture

Even if a buyer isn’t selling a small apartment with furniture provided, they can use the right pieces to demonstrate how a buyer might be able to keep their belonging stored safely in a smaller space. To utilize the space in a smaller room as much as possible, consider decorating with furniture that can serve multiple purposes at once. For instance, a trunk could double as an end or coffee table. An ottoman could act as a chair or a foot rest, as well as a storage space.

5.     Utilize the Ceiling

Finally, when it comes to making the most out of NYC real estate staging in smaller apartments, it’s important to remember the value of the ceiling as an additional space. A small band of molding about a foot away from the actual ceiling can make the room appear bigger. The paint above the molding should be a lighter color than the paint below, to give the space a sense of depth. Additionally, storage solutions can be hung from the ceiling to leave extra room around the walls.

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