> Sharestates’ CEO Allen Shayanfekr Speaks on a Panel for LendIt TV

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Sharestates’ CEO Allen Shayanfekr Speaks on a Panel for LendIt TV

Listen to Sharestates’ CEO Allen Shayanfekr speak about Real Estate Tech: How Platforms Have Evolved in the Pandemic Age and What’s Next on LendIt TV.

Some Takeaways:

  • Private lenders are now increasing tech tools to make the borrower transactions easier to navigate so the entire process moves quicker with more transparency and efficiency.
  •  With Inventory being low it is making it more difficult for deals to flow but it’s making it easier for private lenders to build strong long-term strategic partners.
  • This pandemic has created a larger competitive landscape meaning even though there is a shortage of supply there is an uptick in lenders.


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